Raising awareness through art
Category: artwork
Art pieces
ART installation (trailer)
Beschreibung: In dem gezeigten Video, ein Ausschnitt der Installation, wird zwischen 4 unterschiedlichen Gesichtern mit unterschiedlichsten Emotionen gewechselt. Wut, Scham, Angst, Zweifel…
Because everyone should be valued
Art by Christina Schmolmüller, Instagram: chrissi.schmolmueller
Because assault should not be trivialised
Art by Nikola Gregusova, Instagram: being.nikola
Because everyone’s contributions need to be acknowledged
Artwork by Marilena Schedlmayer Instagram: mariluna_art, website: www.mariluna.art
Because everyone deserves to choose their own path
I overheard a professor talking about a female researcher who got pregnant: “what a pity, she was a good researcher, now her…
Because everyone deserves to feel safe
Why do we need Pride? For so many reasons, really. A common saying in queer/LGBT+ spaces is “The first Pride was a…